古典吧>英语词典>rally around翻译和用法

rally around

英 [ˈræli əˈraʊnd]

美 [ˈræli əˈraʊnd]

团结支持; 集体声援


  • There are many reasons to suspect that the current equity rally is unsustainable not least in the US, where zombie banks and massively overleveraged consumers still stumble around the landscape.
  • Lawmakers began to rally around a sunset clause as a broader, more effective safeguard of the public's rights.
  • We should strengthen the building of village-level supporting organizations which rally around village Party organizations.
  • If he or she can articulate it well, others will rally around that vision and willingly sign up for the project.
  • The rapid rise in the value of Chinese companies is partly due to a strong rally during August, when most other markets around the world have seen panic selling because of concerns about a credit crunch.
  • They will rally around the Assad clan if they think it can win, but will not go down with the Assads if they see their position better secured by abandoning the ruling clan.
  • Gore told a Florida rally Friday that an Obama victory would improve the U.S.image around the world.
  • The rally since March in global equities has been underpinned by the massive policy response from governments around the world.
  • The first step is to provide clear guidance on business-critical priorities that everyone can rally around and contribute to.
  • I think the founders, the employees, and the investors need to rally around just one powerful idea at the very beginning.